“How Does This Personal Trainer in Tamarama Get You to Lose Unwanted Fat, Firm Your Body and Tone Your Muscles Without Dieting or Boring Gym Training”
See For Yourself With Two Weeks Unlimited Training For Only $1!
Dear Tamarama Resident,
My Name is Daniel Clay – owner of DangerouslyFit , Sydney’s most sought after and in demand personal fitness training program.
Our goal is to give you the most comprehensive personal training available in Sydney and now you can get it in Tamarama!
I Know What You May Be Thinking About Tamarama Personal Training Right Now…
Dieting is not for you, you’ve tried it and it didn’t work.
Your days are wildly hectic and training is at the bottom of your list.
If you’re going to workout you’ll need someone to push and motivate you.
You signed up for a gym membership in one of those large franchise gyms… that didn’t work so why would personal training in Tamarama be any different?
Take a Look at Some of my Tamarama Personal Training Clients…

At Last, Thanks To DangerouslyFit Personal Trainers in Tamarama… You No Longer Have To Deal With ANY Of That Ever Again!
Just imagine how fantastic you’re going to look and feel now that you don’t have to worry about…
Fad Diets that come and go as fast as fashion trends.
Workouts that are the same day after day.
Never having the energy you need to take care of your yourself.
Not having anyone to inspire and motivate you.
If You’re Ready To Say…
Yes! I would love to fit back into my skinny jeans.
Yes! It’s time for me to begin a fun, high energy exercise program!
Yes! It’s time for me to lose up to 6 kilos in 30 days!
Yes! It’s time for me to stop feeling frustrated about being out of shape and to get motivated to lose this weight!
Yes! It’s time for me to quit fad diets that are impossible to stick to.
If You Answered Yes To Any Of The Above Then It’s Time For You To Register For A $1 Two Week Trial!
Registration is simple… just click on the ‘Register Now” button below to activate your two week trial to DangerouslyFit.
** Special Offer – Numbers Limited!!! **
Boot Camp $1 Two Week Trial To All Times And Locations…

Or Call 1300 363 559 For More Info
And if you’re 100% happy with DangerouslyFit, check out my 30-day refund guarantee…

Dan Clay
DangerouslyFit Personal Training
Tamarama, 2026, Sydney
P.S. Don’t let the next 12 months pass you by just like the 12 months before, do something to change the way you live your life by registering now. This program is for you, your family, and your friends… Call them up and get them out here!
P.P.S. Remember, you’re fully covered by our 30-day money back guarantee… so the only thing you have to lose are the unwanted kilos.