Finally… Discover The Firm, Toned, Lean Body You’ve Been Searching For… A Sydney Personal Training Program Without Crazy Diets Or Long Boring Cardio Workouts.
From: Dan Clay
Sydney, 2000, NSW
If you’re finally ready to stop the agonising daily mirror stare at the body you simply hate, while the jeans you no longer fit into sit staring at you making you feel guilty every time you pass by then this is the most important page you’ll ever read….
Are You Tired Of….
Diets that are just not meant to work in everyday life.
Workouts that are the same again and again.
Not having the time you need to take care of your family and yourself.
Not feeling like you have anyone to motivate you when you think you just can’t get up and do it again.
Dear Sydney Resident,
I meet people on a daily basis who feel bad about the way they look, I know this is due to not really knowing what to do to fix the problem.
Here at DangerouslyFit it’s our to get you results, our professional team of Sydney personal trainers are dedicated to helping you reach your fitness goals quickly.
There’s a ton of bad information out there.
However, if you’ve finally had it with the way you look and feel, then I’m confident this is the most important website you will ever read – at DangerouslyFit, we’re seriously dangerous when it comes to your Fitness!
Don’t Just Take My Word For It – Here are Some of my Sydney Personal Training Clients…

I Know What You Might Be Thinking Right Now…
Dieting is difficult and not much fun – especially if you have kids and that chocolate ice cream needs to be eaten!
You are crazy busy and just do not have time to work out.
You need someone to urge you forward and encourage you.
Random exercise machines in big gyms just did not give you the results you wanted.
Thanks To DangerouslyFit… You Can Say Goodbye To All Of That!
You will not have to suffer with the unrealistic fad diets, you will be given a nutrition plan thats designed to keep you healthy for life… not just a few weeks
Here at DangerouslyFit our Sydney workouts combine everything you need for cardio and strength training into one 45-minute workout, you will save time and get the results you desire!
You get the fat melting benefits of cardio while having fun, NOT the boring cardio machines in gyms.
Our team is here to motivate you even on the days you don’t feel like being motivated, your success is our success, we want you to get the Body you Deserve!
Here’s a few more of my Dangerously Fit Sydney Personal Training Clients…

If You’re Ready To Say…
Yes Dan! It’s time for me to quit yo-yo diets that just don’t work.
Yes Dan! It’s time for me to shimmer back into my old favorite jeans that I refuse to throw away.
Yes Dan! It is time for me to begin an original and stimulating Sydney fitness program.
Yes Dan! It’s time for me to shed up to 6 kilos in 30 days.
Yes Dan! It’s time for me to be inspired to lose this weight and GET IN SHAPE!
Then check out our special offer…
** Special Offer – Numbers Limited!!! ** $1 Two Week Trial To All Times And Locations
And if You are not Totally Satisfied With Your Results, Here’s My Sydney Group Fitness Iron Clad 30 Day Money Back Guarantee…

So how do I get started?
Registration is simple… just click on the ‘Register Now’ button below to book your $1 two week trial to get unlimited access to all DangerouslyFit Sydney Group Training times and locations – Click The Button Below
Or give us a call on 1300 363 559.
Yours in good health,
Dan Clay
Personal Training – Sydney
P.S. Do not let this year be the same as the last, do something to change your life by registering now! You CAN do this.
P.P.S. Remember, if you are not happy with your results in the first 30 day’s you are fully covered by 30 day money back guarantee!

Dangerously FIt Is A Fitness Australia Provider, running a kettlebell courses and macebell Australia certifications.
Click here for more info:
Steel mace training is a fantastic tool for building strong durable shoulders and a fearsome grip.
This ancient war weapon has been used for thousands of years and now its making a huge comeback into the Australian fitness industry.
It’s important you learn what you’re doing first though, swinging a steel macebell could be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.
I highly recommend you partake in a steel mace certification to learn the fundamental macebell exercises and become proficient in this very beneficial strength and conditioning tool.
If you would like to learn more about how to train with the steel mace then I suggest you head over to Steel Mace Australia on Youtube or the Steel Mace Australia on Instagram where you can watch some excellent video tutorials and get training ideas for yourself and your clients.
Bulgarian Bag Training De-stresses You
As mentioned above, stress is a killing factor that affects the life and career of hundreds of young professionals across the world. Stress is a silent killer that slowly but surely erodes your productivity and career prospects. Tackle it today by joining a Bulgarian Bag workouts. Here you will learn how to de-stress your mind with relaxing exercises such as meditation, yoga etc. de-stressing your mind also helps you to sleep better so that you wake up fresh and ready for the day’s challenges. Training with Bulgarian bags build muscle, tone your muscles and help you to burn fat without having to do boring cardio.
Nutritional Advice
If you want to tackle the challenges of the corporate world successfully, you will need a well-nourished body and mind. However, a busy work schedule hardly leaves any time for elaborate meals and most of the days you do with canteen sandwiches and coffee. At a boot camp, you will learn how to plan your meals and cook in a manner that makes each dish easy to prepare, healthy and tasty. You will learn about portion control, healthy snacking and spacing your meals so that you don’t put on weight yet get enough nutrition from your meals.
Bulgarian Bag Training To Motivate You
One of the best benefits of Bulgarian Bag workouts is learning more about motivation and discipline. Group Bulgarian Bag workouts are as it is more enjoyable and exciting than solo efforts and as a young professional you can really unwind and have some fun at training. Moreover, your trainer knows the importance of motivation and will vary the schedule and introduce competitive games to make the sessions more stimulating. And the Bulgarian Bag training methods ensures there is complete discipline and dedication all around. Click here for more info:
Regular steel mace training and physical activity has innumerable health benefits. It makes you slim, trim, fit, toned and healthy. Steel mace training sessions monitored by a qualified and experienced personal trainer can help you get an effective workout. To know if you had a quality workout session, you must keep a check on your body indicators.
Mood elevator
Steel mace training has been known to stimulate brain chemicals that can make you feel happy, rejuvenated and relaxed. A short jogging session, some cardio or a short swim can boost your mood, alleviate anxiety levels and improve your confidence and self-esteem.
Working out with the steel mace will make you feel energized and more focused during the day. This is because exercise delivers nutrients and oxygen to your body tissues and flushes out toxins from your body, thus making you healthier.
Look great
Not only does workout help you lose weight and look slim, trim and fabulous, but it also releases chemicals that give you great, glowing skin. A steel club workout can increase blood flow to your shoulders and give you muscle, after all… steel clubs build strong shoulders.
Better sleep
A good workout helps you sleep better and sleep longer. It has relaxing effects on the body.
If you suffer from insomnia or any other sleep disorder, a good workout session can definitely help you sleep better.
Exercising and meeting your target workout goals gives you a sense of accomplishment and boosts your self-esteem.
Boost metabolism
Steel mace exercises such as cardio or lifting weights increases your metabolism and converts calories into energy. It is best to do high intensity workouts under the guidance of a personal trainer because they can determine workouts best suited for your body and lifestyle.
Lower risk of diseases
Working out can improve your immunity and keep your healthy. Simple exercises like jogging, swimming, brisk walking or cycling can greatly benefit your health by reducing the chances of diabetes, lowering blood pressure, preventing colon cancer, reducing chronic pain preventing bone disorders and lowering the risk of heart diseases.
Brain power
Quality aerobic activity can pump blood faster into your brain and help enhance creativity. Apart from significantly reducing stress levels, it can help increase your mental ability, focus, thinking, memory and concentration.
Kick addictions
Regular steel mace workouts can help you quit addictions like smoking, alcohol or drugs. Exercising regularly boosts your mood and acts as an anti-depressant. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, drink or do drugs, it is best to go for a jog or do some aerobic exercise. You suffer from fewer withdrawal symptoms since your body now has effective coping mechanism and this helps you kick addictions easily.
Exercise offers many physical and psychological benefits which you get right from your first workout session and help you lead a healthy and happy life. A proper workout can benefit people of any age or fitness group. Getting a personal trainer to train you on your workout sessions can maximize the benefits of exercise because personal training will provide a customised workout plan for you and motivate you to achieve your goals.
Gym rope workouts are a great way to get your muscles conditioned and lose weight. Battle ropes have been used by the military, pro fighters as well as those who want an intense upper body workout without leaving home!
The best part about battlerope training? You can do them anywhere – even in hotel rooms on vacation so longs its there’s some kind of surface for you tap against (a door works too)!
The gym rope is a must-have for any fitness enthusiast. Battle ropes can be done at home or in the gym, and they provide an effective workout that tones your entire body while targeting muscles like never before!
The best part? You do them all by yourself—no equipment required other than two hands free from anything else you need to hold on with during this intense cardio session
Spend a few minutes every day working out with Battle Rope. It’s like playing rope, but you get to work up a sweat while doing it!
Battle ropes may not be something you see at home, but they make for an excellent workout. The long and heavy weight of the rope makes it difficult to perform exercises with this type often since there’s no room or space on your flooring! However if need arises then just know that these battle-tested instruments are perfect when used correctly in training sessions against challenging opponents such as yourself 😉
Battling rope is a long, heavy weight that can vary in size and thickness. You probably won’t find them at home but it’s good to know some great exercises you could do with one if ever comes across this training tool!
Battle ropes are a great way to tone up your body without straining yourself. You can find them at boot camps or even in some gyms! They work by adding weight which makes it harder on you while providing more resistance during exercises like squats, lunges etc., helping with building muscle definition throughout different parts of the body–especially arms since they’re attached right below our shoulders. Make sure you anchor your gym rope correctly with a proper anchor mount.
A high impact workout would be tough but this one just feels good because there’s no strain placed upon joints so all muscles get engaged equally.
Alright guys, introducing our bamboo mace.
So, I’ve been getting a lot of questions since yesterday about the bamboo mace. These are called the Maverick mace.
They are 109 centimeters long. Okay, the handle itself is 93 centimeters long, so it’s the same as our steel maces. The sleeve where we fit the weight plates, they’re 50 mil thick, so basically anything that fits on an Olympic Bar will go onto our maces.
You can also use the fractional weights as well due to them being weight plate loadable maces. So, if you want to do micro loading with the real small weights, that also fit onto this mace as well. And the handle is 35 mils thick, so as a narrower grip from the sleeve, just because it’s going to be much more comfortable to grip a 35mm grip than say a 50mm. But it tapers down nice and smooth, so if you want to do your hand-to-hand transitions as if you’re doing like a flow workout, you know it’s a real smooth transition.
Okay, but because it is weight plate loaded, you do have the option of going heavy as well. If you want to do traditional exercises like your 10 and twos and your 360s, you can go real heavy with these. I’ve tested this up to 27.5 kilos with five five-kilo plates on.
Now, I do recommend using one grip for every eight kilos. So, if you’re going up to that sort of weight, you’re not going to be using two or three grips.
Now, it does come with one grip. Okay, it does come with a half kilo bamboo block as well. And the weight, the most unloaded, is two and a half kilos with our bamboo disc. It’s three kilos. But, as I say, if you’ve got weight plates, you can load it up to pretty much as heavy as we want to go.
So, with the mace itself, it’s got knurling finishing in there, so it’s a nice finish for your grip, just to assist that grip.
It’s also got an arc promo as well, and that also assists your grip too.
I’ve got about 100 of these being made, and as I said, it’ll be available mid to late May 2023. So, if you do want one, they’re going to go on pre-order soon.
I’m also getting adjustable bamboo clubbells made too, so keep a close eye for them hitting the Maverick Mace store.
Just put your email in the box below this video, and as soon as they go out for pre-order, you’ll get a notification.
I look forward to seeing you soon. Thanks, guys.
Hey guys, Dan here from Dangerously Fit. Welcome to this week’s video. We’re going to go through another FAQ this week, and this week’s question is, “When training with the steel club and steel maces, how many reps and sets should I be performing?”
Again, like most things with training, it does depend on your goals. Oftentimes, people get confused with the club and mace and aren’t too sure how many reps or sets they should be going for. Just remember, the club and mace are just another strength training tool. So, just like the kettlebell, the Bulgarian bag, the sandbag, barbells, or dumbbells—all strength training tools—you wouldn’t treat the club and mace any differently than you would treat another training tool.
So, what I mean is, if you perform a heavier weight with lower reps, you’re going to get much more into maximal strength. If you go in that mid rep range, sort of 8 to 12 reps, it’s going to be general strength and conditioning. And then, if you get up into that higher rep range of 15 reps and above, that’s when you’re going to get much more into muscle endurance.
To program your club and mace workouts, you would treat it exactly the same as you would another strength training tool. As a general guide, as your reps go up, your sets go down. So, for example, if I’m going to go much more in that maximal strength range where I’m lifting a heavy weight with lower reps, I would use more sets.
As your reps go up, your sets go down. For example, if I’m going into that heavy range, I’m going to go five sets of five reps with a heavy weight—that’s going to be much more for maximum strength. As I increase the reps, I decrease the sets. So, if I want to go into that 8 to 12 rep range, I’m going to be performing slightly higher reps, but I’m going to bring those sets down. Otherwise, it’s going to be too much volume.
For example, I might do three sets of 10 if I want to be in that general strength and conditioning range. And if I want to go into that endurance range, where I’m going to high reps, again, as I increase the reps, I decrease the sets. For example, I would use a lightweight and perform two sets of, say, 20 reps to get into that endurance range.
So, as your reps go down, your sets go up; and as your reps go up, your sets go down. You can also train for time as well, so it doesn’t have to be a rep range—it’s all about time under tension. For example, if I’m performing an exercise like an arm cast, and I know it takes 2 seconds to perform one rep, I know if I perform 15 reps, it’s going to take me around 30 seconds. So, it doesn’t really matter if you’re performing reps or going for time; it all comes down to time under tension. If you’re performing 30 seconds with an arm cast and it takes 2 seconds per rep, you’re performing around 15 reps. So, you can work it out that way as well.
If you’re a beginner and you’re not too sure where to get started, my recommendation is to perform three sets of between 8 and 12 reps. If you’re getting more than 12 reps out of that exercise, go on to a heavier weight so you can only get eight reps of that exercise. As you get stronger and as your skill increases, once you get to 12 reps, increase the weight so you can only get eight reps of that exercise, keeping you in the 8 to 12 range.
As you get stronger and as your skill increases, you may choose to use a heavier weight and really work on that strength. Personally, though, I like to try and fit in all three of those. Some workouts, I’ll use a heavy weight and go five sets of five; other workouts, I’ll use a moderate weight and go three sets of 8 to 12. Other workouts, I’ll use a really light weight and go for time or higher rep ranges. Or, I’ll do some type of flow workout where I go from one exercise to another with the goal of just holding on to that weight, working for two or three minutes in a much higher rep range.